
The architecture of a new balance

Humans live just a brief moment on earth and it should be a beautiful experience for everyone. But in this specific moment, that is not the case. The unbalanced world is harsh and it seems we rather occupy natural space than harmoniously merge with it. It seems we rather manipulate each other than generously listen. It seems we rather keep walking blindfolded instead of daringly face the brutality we pass by. There is a strong need for an architecture of a new balance. 

The foundation for this architecture needs to be constructed with a new perspective on what is important for humans to develop and what is a great inspiration for a strong motion forward. That might mean we need to look beyond the tools we feel safe to use (technology, science, statistics or digital AI for example), and curiously walk into territories that traditionally aren’t seen as powerful and guaranteed tools for societal shifts (art, philosophy, old wisdom and spirituality). Is there a connection between those two that is a force much needed right now?

Discussing spirituality and sustainability, art and carbon neutrality or philosophy and third emissions should be seen natural and not a hoax. But how do we get there and why is it not yet massively acknowledged as a potent concept of changing our lives?

Art moves all of our tangled emotions. It connects the brain and heart and can boost inspiration and intelligence. When we live in a massively disordered and unintegrated world, art could be the tool we need to better connect, generously change perceptions and turn a much needed focus to the fundamental need of care. Only care can create the extraordinary places we want them to be. But for humans to be able to care, one needs to have some basic freedom and to live beyond survival mode. That freedom is created through balance, balance between us as human species but also between us and nature as an organically and beautifully moving system.